According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the FBI and other agencies have been questioning people across the country based, it appears, on their First Amendment activity, or on their race, ethnicity or national origin. If the FBI or police contact you for questioning, you should be aware of your rights.
根据美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)的提示,FBI (联邦调查局) 和其他机构一直对全国各地的人们,根据他们的《第一修正案》活动或种族,民族或来源国籍进行讯问。如果FBI或警察联系您进行讯问,您应该了解自己的权利。
What to do if the FBI or police contact you for questioning
Learn about your rights when encountering law enforcement at the airport
Know Your Rights: Discrimination Against Immigrants And Muslims
Know Your Rights in Arabic
Understanding The Grand Jury and Its Potential Abuse
Department of Justice: Lawyer's Guide to Grand Jury Abuse
2020/11/09 FindLaw: How Does a Grand Jury Work?
2019/03/19 FindLaw: What's the Difference Between a Grand Jury and a Trial Jury?
2020/11/09 FindLaw: How Does a Grand Jury Work?
2019/03/19 FindLaw: What's the Difference Between a Grand Jury and a Trial Jury?