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Legal Docket by CourtListener: United States v. Wang (1:20-mj-09111)

On July 15, 2021, the Department of Justice (DOJ) moved to dismiss its case against Dr. Qing Wang without prejudice. According to media reports, Dr. Qing Wang was born in China, began his work at the Cleveland Clinic in 1997 and became a U.S. citizen in 2005. He specialized in breakthroughs in heart disease at the Lerner Institute of the Cleveland Clinic—one of the world’s leading research centers.
According to media reports, DOJ released this statement: “The United States Attorney’s Office moved to dismiss the complaint, without prejudice, against Qing Wang, a.k.a. Kenneth Wang. The Office has made this decision after a review of the case and will decline further comment at this time.”
The Cleveland Clinic also reportedly released a statement saying, “We have fully cooperated with federal law enforcement’s investigation into this matter. Dr. Wang’s employment was terminated following an internal review which revealed violations of Cleveland Clinic and National Institutes of Health (NIH) policies.”
On May 14, 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the arrest of Dr. Wang as a former Cleveland Clinic employee and a Chinese “Thousand Talents” participant. He was charged with false claims and wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in grant funding that Dr. Wang and his research group received from NIH. DOJ had identified Dr. Wang to be one of the "China Initiative" cases as recently as July 1, 2021, but has since deleted it from its online report at
Links and References
2021/09/16 JDSupra: Recent Case Developments Indicate Increased Judicial Scrutiny on China Initiative Prosecutions
2021/09/15 Washington Post: China Initiative aims to stop economic espionage. Is targeting academics over grant fraud ‘overkill’?
2021/07/16 Fox-8: Case dismissed against Cleveland Clinic doctor accused of sharing research
2021/07/15 Cleveland-5: Fed. prosecutors dismiss criminal case involving former Cleveland Clinic doctor with ties to China
2020/11/12 Cleveland-5: Cleveland Clinic doctor accused of taking research to China while accepting funds from U.S. taxpayers
2020/05/18 The Tennessee Star: Ohio Professor Qing Wang the Latest to be Arrested over China Ties
2020/05/14 Department of Justice: Former Cleveland Clinic Employee and Chinese “Thousand Talents” Participant Arrested for Wire Fraud
Reuters: U.S. accuses Chinese-born researcher at Cleveland Clinic of ties to Chinese spying
NPR: Former Cleveland Clinic Researcher Allegedly Failed To Disclose Ties To China
Cleveland Scene: Former Cleveland Clinic Employee Arrested by FBI, Charged With Wire Fraud Over Chinese Grants
2019/10/27 Cleveland Clinic: Qing Kenneth Wang, PhD, MBA
According to media reports, DOJ released this statement: “The United States Attorney’s Office moved to dismiss the complaint, without prejudice, against Qing Wang, a.k.a. Kenneth Wang. The Office has made this decision after a review of the case and will decline further comment at this time.”
The Cleveland Clinic also reportedly released a statement saying, “We have fully cooperated with federal law enforcement’s investigation into this matter. Dr. Wang’s employment was terminated following an internal review which revealed violations of Cleveland Clinic and National Institutes of Health (NIH) policies.”
On May 14, 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the arrest of Dr. Wang as a former Cleveland Clinic employee and a Chinese “Thousand Talents” participant. He was charged with false claims and wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in grant funding that Dr. Wang and his research group received from NIH. DOJ had identified Dr. Wang to be one of the "China Initiative" cases as recently as July 1, 2021, but has since deleted it from its online report at
Links and References
2021/09/16 JDSupra: Recent Case Developments Indicate Increased Judicial Scrutiny on China Initiative Prosecutions
2021/09/15 Washington Post: China Initiative aims to stop economic espionage. Is targeting academics over grant fraud ‘overkill’?
2021/07/16 Fox-8: Case dismissed against Cleveland Clinic doctor accused of sharing research
2021/07/15 Cleveland-5: Fed. prosecutors dismiss criminal case involving former Cleveland Clinic doctor with ties to China
2020/11/12 Cleveland-5: Cleveland Clinic doctor accused of taking research to China while accepting funds from U.S. taxpayers
2020/05/18 The Tennessee Star: Ohio Professor Qing Wang the Latest to be Arrested over China Ties
2020/05/14 Department of Justice: Former Cleveland Clinic Employee and Chinese “Thousand Talents” Participant Arrested for Wire Fraud
Reuters: U.S. accuses Chinese-born researcher at Cleveland Clinic of ties to Chinese spying
NPR: Former Cleveland Clinic Researcher Allegedly Failed To Disclose Ties To China
Cleveland Scene: Former Cleveland Clinic Employee Arrested by FBI, Charged With Wire Fraud Over Chinese Grants
2019/10/27 Cleveland Clinic: Qing Kenneth Wang, PhD, MBA
Deliberate Deletion of Dr. Qing Wang's Case
from Department of Justice's Online Report on "China Initiative"
from Department of Justice's Online Report on "China Initiative"
DOJ Online Report on "China Initiative" as captured by WayBack Machine on July 1, 2021:
DOJ Online Report on "China Initiative" as captured by screen shot on July 17, 2021: